Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
There is so much to do and little time to do it. Even though, we must work as if we had Eternity and Immortality at our disposal --- that is, as stated in the BOOK OF THE LAW: "delivered from the lust of result".
The "Path" you want to tread is arduous and winding, and many obstacles will be raised in your path; but you shouldn't worry about it. Once the ordeals are over, they will turn into flowers to perfume their victories -- the greater the obstacle, the more precious will be the scent of victory. Therefore, it has been said that the CROWN OF THE INITIATE IS WOVEN AND FLOWERED WITH THORNS.
But, mind you, don't give this phrase any Roman-Alexandrine meaning. For that "scene" of the crowning of the Adept YHShVH, copied by the Church of Rome for unspeakable purposes, must be seriously analyzed as a malicious misrepresentation of the ARCANUM.
The Crown of Thorns, i.e. KETHER, must radiate beyond the head of the Initiate (in the Eastern System, the Chakra Sahasrara). Crown indicates "royalty", and to be "Kings" we need, first of all, to conquer the KINGDOM, that is, MALKHUT, the lowest Sephira in the Symbolic scheme called TREE OF LIFE.
We must, therefore, inspire our lives by LOVE guided by WILL --- "Love is the law, love under will".
Know that all these "conversations" coming from Rome are misrepresentations of the Real Symbols of Initiation --- isn't Rome the inverse of Love 1?
Iniciatic life is fundamentally based on constant practice throughout the student's entire life. Nothing can be taught, Everything must be conquered. At best, the Instructor offers "clues". The disciple of the ROYAL ART is responsible for the individual task of testing and following them, verifying, through practical experience and within the limits of his capacity, their value or not.
I often followed false leads. However, they taught me the need for humility to assume my own mistakes, and turn them into steps to the Great Climb.
The Great Truths dwell in the simplest and most common things in this world; therefore, to the man of the profane world, they say nothing, and he passes by without observing them, obsessed as he is by images of the Illusion (Maya).
The idea of "salvation" from the outside, through a "god", or "angel", or "demon", or "guru", or "messiah", or whatever it is -- this is the idea what lazy people connected to the Romanism uses to console themselves -- it becomes inconceivable as soon as we are aware of our own Divine Nature. So beware of anyone who wants to "save" you by procuration. There isn't and never will be any intermediary between Man and God, just as there is no intermediary between Man and his Consciousness.
The limited knowledge I have and which I intend to impart to you if you so desire is not my personal discovery, nor did I acquire it through "transcendental" ways through the beneficial interference of angelic or demonic beings. But without the proper keys that no book provides, I would have no chance of attaining this knowledge. These "keys" were given to me by that character who is identified, in several of my writings, under the name of "Teacher", mainly in "MY TRUE NAME" 2.
With that Teacher, who may have been "one" or "many" (but who were men incarnate and equal to any others) I lived for years as a disciple, until our paths separated, each following his own path, as written in the BOOK OF THE LAW: "Every man and every woman is a star".
In possession of these keys, I managed to develop, over a long period of time, a whole scheme of studies and practices that are now part of my hidden baggage. However, this achievement did not come before several falls, the most abject mistakes, shameful indecisions, fears and, finally, some successes.
I don't know how, when, or even if you will achieve the realization of this ideal that stirs your mind and burns in your heart. But, I assure you, it's worth the try. No one can predict when a rose will bloom. Perhaps, as paradoxical as it may seem, the climb of the mountain itself will be as much or more tasteful than reaching the top -- waiting for the feast is always better than the feast itself. The Eternal RUN is JOY AND PEACE.
Love is the law, love under will.
1 - In Portuguese, Love is "Amor" and Rome is written "Roma".
2 - A book name "MEU VERDADEIRO NOME" in Portuguese, written by Frater Thor.