Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The F.L.H., Fraternitas Lucis Hermeticae, or Fraternity of the Hermetic Light (representative of a magickal current which name has a secret sense that is unveiled only to Initiates of the IIº), is at present internationally represented by the Greatly Honored Frater Parcevale XIº, Supervisor General, whose immediate delegates in the profane world are the Directors of the Fraternitas Lucis Hermeticae. These exhibit, whenever this is requested of them, Contract Letter-Patent, duly notarized.
The purposes of the F.L.H. are simple, and are succinctly described in Liber OZ. Greater understanding of the need for those purposes, however, as well as greater efficiency in the struggle to establish them, need application and study. Therefore, a Reading Curriculum has been established to fulfil the basic needs of candidates to the Order.
The F.L.H. is intimately linked with the Holy Gnostic Church, of which it may be considered a training ground; but the aims of the Order are not in themselves religious, but rather social. The vocation to belong to the Hierarchy of the Holy Gnostic Church is not required of those who want to be admitted to the F.L.H.. In truth, the Order accepts members of any religions, and people of any philosophical or political persuasion, as long as these swear, on their honor as members of our species, to seek to reformulate their religious, philosophical or political dogmas so these will be harmonious to the principles of Liber OZ.
Candidates to initiation in F.L.H. must know at least Liber OZ, and be in complete agreement with the Rights of the Human Being therein declared. But they will do well to become familiar with the reading curriculum of the Iº even before they are admitted to that Grade:
THE COMMENTARIES OF AL, by Aleister Crowley and Marcelo Motta. Essential to progress in all Grades. Requests directly to the F.L.H..
NATURE AND MAN’S FATE, by Garret Hardin. An outstanding presentation of the social and political application of the Law of Evolution. Invaluable to all Thelemites. Holt, Rinehart and Winston or Mentor Books.
THELEMIC POLITICAL MORALITY, by Frater PARZIVAL XIº. A preliminary study of correct citizenship from the point of view of the Order. Requests directly to the F.L.H..
LETTER TO A BRAZILIAN MASON, by Frater PARZIVAL XIº. A study of the origin of Masonry and Christianity, with an analysis of Roman Catholicism. Requests directly to the F.L.H..
THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE, by Betty Friedan, THE DIALETICS OF SEX, by Shulamith Firestone, and AGAINST OUR WILL, by Susan Brownmiller. These three books, obtainable in pocket editions, are an invaluable introduction to the role of a woman in a Thelemic society. The last mentioned transcends the problems of women to deal generally with psychology of brute power.
THE MANIPULATED MAN, by Esther Vilar. An acute study of the psychology of the type of woman called “chaste” in Liber AL, II, 55. Also available in a pocket edition.
UP THE ORGANIZATION, by Robert Townsend. Necessary to an understanding of Thelemic thought on business, and on how a business organization should be run. Available in a pocket edition.
HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE, by William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson. Essential to a scientific understanding of sexuality in both sexes. Little, Brown and Co., Boston.
OF THE POLITICAL AIMS OF THE ORDER, by Frater PARZIVAL XIº. A preliminary analysis of the possible influence of the F.L.H. in the many types of human societies. Essential to all candidates to the Order. Requests directly to the F.L.H..
The Fraternitas Lucis Hermeticae is organized in Lodges to which men and women of all races and social levels may belong. Any human being who can pass through the initiatic ordeals has a right to the Iº F.L.H.. The principal aim of those Lodges is to stimulate the society in which they exist, so it will establish and maintain the principles of Liber OZ culturally, socially and politically. Parallel to this, they aim at training vocations for the Holy Gnostic Church. The Order considers that true religion and true civilization go hand in hand, and sees no disparity between its spiritual and its worldly ambitions. The Lodges are under the responsibility of Lodge Masters, who may also be of any race, sex, or social position, and who are monitored by regional Directors.
Although we cannot, in a Manifesto meant for the general public, unveil the nature of the Work of the Grades, especially in the Inner and Secret Circles, a brief description of the titles (which indicate the main activity) of each of the Grades may be useful to intuitive temperaments. The F.L.H. is divided in Three Circles:
Outer Circle: includes from the Iº to the IIIº.
Iº: Attraction to the Solar System (Birth).
IIº: Thelemic behavior on Earth (Life).
IIIº: Lordship or Ladyship of Earth (Death).
Initiation to the next Circle can only happen by recommendation of a Director to the Supervisor General. Initiation to the Inner Circle implies in severance from the links in the Outer.
Inner Circle: includes from the IVº to the VIº F.L.H.
IVº: Freeman or Freewoman. Page or Damsel.
Vº: Esquire (both sexes).
VIº: Dame or Knight of the Grail.
In the Inner Circle, members begin to be directly trained in the Central Secret of the F.L.H.. Entry to the next Circle can only happen by direct invitation of the Holy King or Queen, or of the Outer Head of the Order, or, lacking these, of the Supervisor General.
Secret Circle: includes from the VIIº to the IXº.
VIIº: Novice. Warrior (both sexes).
VIIIº: Deacon or Deaconness. Herald or Inspector (both sexes).
IXº: Priest or Priestess. Judge (both sexes).
Beyond these Grades, there are two more of a purely administrative nature: the Xº, to which belong the Kings or Queens, or National Grand-Masters, and the Outer Head of the Order, or International Grand Master; and the XIº, whose authority is purely spiritual, and therefore is totally out of the normal structure of the Order.
In reality, there exist in the F.L.H. only three Grades, man of Earth, lover, and hermit. Men of Earth includes from the Iº to the IIIº; lovers, from IVº to the Xº; members of the XIº are hermits.
At present, the F.L.H. does have members of the Xº in some countries, responsible for groups of countries or regions, to whom the Lodge Masters answer directly; and only one member of XIº, the Greatly Honored Frater PARCEVALE XIº, a Brazilian citizen, the Supervisor General. The Supervisor General communicates directly as such only with Directors (Xº) of the F.L.H..
The F.L.H. monthly dues are five percent of ONE minimum salary of each country (this is in the Outer Circle). If any member remains without paying monthly fees for 3 consecutives months, that person is immediately suspended, and if the debt is not paid during the next 6 months, the member will be expelled and barred from readmission.
Besides the monthly fee, members are encouraged to contribute to the smooth working of the Lodge to which they belong, either with toil or gifts. However, advancement in the Grades does not depend from donations: it is gauged from the evidence of moral and intellectual dedication to the principles of the Order. Advancement in the Grades of the F.L.H. brings increase of responsibility, and thus demands strength of character and purity of motivation. The keynote of the entire process is Service.
Both the Reading Curriculum and the rules established in this Manifesto are subject to change by Us at any time.
Love is law, love under will.